Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Week- 6- Assignment

Week- 6- Assignment

Q Activity 11.3, p. 354, Soft Skills: Personal Strengths Inventory Follow the directions for this activity. Identify your own soft skills, paying attention to attributes you think a potential employer would value. Prepare a list of at least four items for each of the four categories. See the example listed under "Your Task." As stated at the end of the directions, these listings may prove helpful when you will need to do your resume and cover letter in Chapter 13. Activity 11.5, p. 354 - 355, Communication Channels: Which Media in Each Situation? Follow the directions under "Your Task" -- after consulting the media richness diagram in Figure 11.2, page 330, consider how rich the medium must be in each communication situation. (read the whole description under Your Task). Then...CHOOSE ONLY THREE (from a through g) and describe the advantages and disadvantages of each choice. (You can do this in paragraph form) Activity 11.11, p. 356, Meetings: Attacking Disfunction Follow the directions under "Your Task" and report your recommendations for handling THREE of the situations (choose from a - h). You can do this in paragraph form.

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It can be said that every person requires certain skills and characteristics which helps them to differ from rest of the people. Most of us acquire certain soft skills which help us in better portraying our individual personality. I believe my personal soft skills include- 1) Effective communication skills- active listening, conflict resolving, confidence and better organization. 2) Work ethics- Integrity, Persistence, Attention and time management.